About the artist run publisher SoEL
SoEL (Sound of Everyday Life) has a focus on the infraordinary, primarily associated with observations, memories and perceptions of everyday relationships, routines, tableaux and objects. SoEL focuses on artist books that work serially; with small editions that contain a touch of craftsmanship or a distinctive materiality without being unique.

HI is a recurring publication that captures on paper observations and memories related to being home. Understood as the German word daheim (an uncommon word in German, almost untranslatable and a bit fairytale-like for the place where you belong and have your roots. A utopian place that may not exist in reality, but only in you). HI is strongly inspired by author Judith Hermann’s novel Daheim from 2021. In Danish, HI means creating a nest to rest in or short for Hjemme Igen (home again). HI is published in approximately 75 numbered copies and you can subscribe to HI.

The Archive
Publisher SoEL will also present zines, artist books, newspapers, booklets, catalogues etc. that Anne Dyhr has collected over the past 25 years